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Gamazyme BOE Carton - 12 x 1L
141,48 €
Biological odour eliminator: Both quick and long term elimination of unpleasant odours
Gamazyme BTC – Carton - 12 x 1L
104,88 €
Biological toilet cleaner; Cleans the toilet and doses the drains with organic waste eating bacteria. Use as a normal toilet cleaner
Gamazyme TDS 100 x 50g sachets 5kg
143,10 €
Gamazyme toilet descaler (100 x 50gr “Blue bombs”); Dissolves uric acid, organic material and scale. To be used regularly
Gamazyme DPC - 4 kg in 0.23kg solupacs
230,76 €
Biological drain/pipe cleaner; For use as a maintenance product in all pipes and holding tanks and to clear blocked pipes.
Gamazyme Digestor - 20 litre BIB (bag in box)
182,80 €
Drain and pulper cleaner; To be used where there are high volumes of organic waste and grease, i.e. incinerators etc.
Gamazyme 700FN - 12 kg container
825,00 €
General description Gamazyme 700FN is a concentrated biologically active powder formulation containing a blend of patented bacterial strains, specifically developed to deal with sewage wastes.
Gamazyme FC - 4 x 5 litre container
241,00 €
Biological floor cleaner; In depth floor cleaner for galley areas
Gamazyme BUB - 150 blocks of 20g (3kg)
188,04 €
Biological urine blocks; For removing uric acid and scale from urinals (not many urinals on superyachts however)